Infrared light immediately follows red light on the electromagnetic spectrum. Medical Infrared (IR) light can be simply broken down into three groups:
Near Infrared, also called infrared A (IR-A). Near IR spans wavelengths 750 to 1,400 nm. It can penetrate deep into your body 5 – 10 mm (0.2 – 0.4 inches). Most home therapy devices use these wavelengths.
Mid Infrared, infrared B (IR-B) – These wavelengths are used in many household electronic devices such as remote controls.
Far Infrared, or IR-C – Far Infrared rays (FIR) are invisible and present in sunlight. Otherwise knows as radiant heat, you can’ t see it but you can feel it as heat This is the largest part of the IR spectrum. It is absorbed by surface skin and penetrates tissue which is less than 2 mm. Used in infrared saunas.
Source: R. Brenke W. Siems: Infrarotstrahlung eine moderne Form der W. rmetherapie
NaturaMed 2| 2006:32 -37